Change Your Thinking and Become a Champion in Solar Business
The course consist of below program:
We offer an online flexibility and modular courses and solutions tailored to the needs of citizens of all social classes. You can take the majority proposed training completely online with a pause in between each module. You will need a work computer or Tablet with a good internet connections to te able to joined this course.
Our instructor can be contacted 24/7 with questions during and after the courses.
The energy situation and the ever growing energy demand and cost increase as well as the local energy problems caused by lack of technology knowledge is an opportunity for you. In addition Africa’s population will grow from 1.1 billion today to 2.5 billion by 2050. Providing as many of them as possible with sustainable and reliable power from renewable energy sources is our motivation. After have attempt our job-oriented course, you will be able to have a share on this market with your company and will be a fantastic opportunities for you to build a career in the green energy.
Secure a constant salary as Employee or self-employed in those energy sector!