
⦁ Become completely independent from external energy supplies
⦁ No need to pay Solar primary energy as this is free.
⦁ Reducing your electrictiy bill with a acceptable pay back period / ROI
⦁ Avoid utility peak usage or time of usage charges for utility company
⦁ Secure your Home for grid outage with reliable back-up battery power
⦁ Avoiding spiraling diesel generation costs and noise
⦁ For remote homes, save yourself from outrageous grid connection charges
⦁ Prioritize consumption of solar power and help reducing Environment pollution


How does Off Grid solar self-consumption systems work?
Any energy that your system produces will go first into your home to power any devices that happen to be running – thus replacing the amount of energy you should have to purchase (‘import’) from your electricity utility company. If your solar system produces more energy than your household can consume at a given moment , the excess solar is automatically save into the Battery back up systems and when the sun doesn´t shine anymore, the battery power will take over the power supply for your residential solar home systems.
If we represent it visually, solar self-consumption looks something like the graphs below. The blue areas represent household electricity consumption, while the red areas represent solar system energy production and the green areas represent the Energy from batteries (in this case, a ca. small solar system). The red areas above the blue lines represent solar energy power, while the blue on its own energy that should have been purchased/imported form the grid. The overlapping red/blue area is where the solar energy meets your home’s energy demand. And the green /blue area is the time without sunshine, where the Energy from Batteries will serve as backup of power supply.

An example how home energy consumption and solar production from a 3kW solar system intersect during the day. The red area above the blue line represents exported solar energy.

Example – Douala home using 30kWh/day 3 kW @€5475 5kW @€6750
Demand met by solar 24% 30%
‘Natural’ % solar self-consumed 61% 46%
Bill reduction 28% 40%
‘Natural’ payback period ~6 years ~6 years
Payback period @80% self-consumption ~5.3 years ~4.6 years

In the case of the te small solar system as show in the above graphic, no solar energy power is being ‘wasted’ (i.e. It has been save in battery for backup time). However the above table shows, the greater overall bill reduction (based on a flat rate of 21c/kWh), an additional 2 years pay payback period due to additional battery cost compared to self-consumption without battery storage.

If you are not sure which solution is suitable for your need and application or budget, please contact us or sent us a message or inquiry and we will get back to you.